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Deans, Associate Deans and Administrators’ Workshop

Aimée Surprenant
Managing Priorities as Graduate School Dean

Brenda Brouwer
Managing the proliferation of priorities

Jennifer Drennan
Managing the proliferation of priorities

Linda Miller
An Academic Leader’s Perspective on “Managing” Staff: Supporting a High Performing Team

Pauline Sinclair
Managing Staff – Hiring And Then Promoting Growth
Conference Speakers – Day 2

CAGS ProQuest Presentation
Promote Research Output. Improve Research Outcomes through ETD global distribution channels

CAGS Taskforce on Excellence in Graduate Programs
Panel Discussion “Incenting Excellence in Research-Based Graduate Programs”

Strategic Planning 2020 – 2025: Update on Stakeholder Engagement Activities

Daniel Jones-White
Graduate Student Depression and Anxiety Risk Rates in Research Universities: Evidence from the gradSERU Survey 2017-18

Diane Dupont
CAGS Task Force on Excellence in Doctoral Education - Interdisciplinary/Transdisciplinary Programs

Dylan R. Ashley and Fahed Elian
Improving Graduate Student Success in Higher Education

E. Dianne Looker
CGPSS Update and 45th CAGS Annual Statistical Report

Leveraging EL to empower graduate students towards their future careers

Janelle Marie Baker
Eating in the Oil sands

John-Jerome Paul & Jeff Orr
Melknaq: Having a Relentless Spiritedness

Kimberley Lamarche
Interdisciplinary and Non-Traditional Programs in Graduate Education

Luc Simon
2019 Update - National CGPSS coordinator

Luc Simon
Task Force on Excellence in Graduate Studies

Marcelline Bangali
Professional identity and doctoral training to better face the challenges of the 21st century

Mary McKenna
Interdisciplinary Studies Programs and Graduate Schools: Points of Intersection

Matthew Smithdeal
Graduate Student Wellbeing Network

Mavis Reimer
The Indigenous Summer Scholars Program (ISSP) at the University of Winnipeg

PhD Alumni Study and Identity
Transitioning : Observations from the PhD Outcomes Study

Susan Porter
Phd student identity, Wellbeing, and 21stc work

Tri-Agency Presentation
Conference Speakers – Day 3

Jo-ann Archibald
Indigenous Graduate Education for the 21st Century

Andrew Kim
Holistic grad student support

CAGS Students & Deans Town Hall 2019
Graduate Student Issues

CAGS Task Force on Truth, Reconciliation, and Graduate Education
Preliminary Report

Maggie Lyons-MacFarlane
Universal Design for Learning in Graduate Studies

Renee Polziehn & Deanna Davis
Mapping a Future with Professional Development

TOEFL® and GRE® Updates
Introducing a Better TOEFL iBT® Test Experience